M.N. Vu, S.T. Nguyen, Q.D. To, N.H. Dao. Theoretical predicting of permeability evolution in damaged rock under compressive stress (2017). Geophysical Journal International, 209(2), pp. 1352-1361. (ISI, IF = 2.484)
Ngày: 18/11/2017
This paper outlines an analytical model of crack growth induced permeability changes. A theoretical solution of effective permeability of cracked porous media is derived. The fluid flow obeys Poisseuille's law along the crack and Darcy's law in the porous matrix. This solution exhibits a percolation threshold for any type of crack distribution apart from a parallel crack distribution. The physical behaviour of fluid flow through a cracked porous material is well reproduced by the proposed model. The presence of this effective permeability coupling to analytical expression of crack growth under compression enables the modelling of the permeability variation due to stress-induced cracking in a porous rock. This incorporation allows the prediction of the permeability change of a porous rock embedding an anisotropic crack distribution from any initial crack density, that is, lower, around or upper to percolation threshold. The interaction between cracks is not explicitly taken into account. The model is well applicable both to micro- and macrocracks.
Link: https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx094
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