Dang Van Cuong, The bi-normal fields on spacelike surfaces in R41, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 9(2), 2016. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1793557116500522
Ngày: 17/05/2016
A normal field ν on a spacelike surface in R4 1 is called bi-normal if Kν, the determinant of the Weingarten map associated to ν, is zero.
In this paper, we give a criterion to check if a normal field is bi-normal. Then we study the relationship between the spacelike pseudo-planar
surfaces and spacelike pseudo-umbilical surfaces. We also study the bi-normal fields on spacelike ruled surfaces and spacelike surfaces of revolution.
Keywords: Lorentz–Minkowski space; spacelike surfaces; bi-normal fields; singularities of Gauss map;
pseudo-planar surfaces; umbilicity.
AMS Subject Classification: 53C50, 53A35, 57R45
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